As a viral video last week showed college students in Chicago challenging journalists over the Hunter Biden business dealings, and more revelations around Russiagate come to light, why are the mainstream media not responding to the growing lack of trust in their narratives? #HillaryClinton #HunterBiden #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #RussiaGate Get tickets for my 2022 tour here: Join Our Community HERE: To listen, subscribe to the Luminary Channel on Apple Podcasts at or on the Luminary app For meditation and breath work, subscribe to my side-channel:… My Weekly meditation podcast, Above the Noise, is available now on Apple & Luminary FOOTBALL IS NICE is my free, weekly, full-length podcast – subscribe here:… Rumble: Locals:
with Hillary Clinton’s campaign being fined for misuse of funds and the ongoing Biden farrago not being properly reported by the legacy media, we ask you are the mainstream media in alliance with political interests; hmm, hello there, you 5.4 or 5 million awakening wonders the woodshed is there you can get your log if you want I’ll send you one if you fancy one and look at the plant flourishing back to its full my health and look at my t-shirt. Any funds we do raise go to good causes; what a fantastic channel we’re creating, and it’s all because of You; it’s all because we see you as awake and able to make your assessments, your own decisions form your own opinions, take on opposing views and formulate truth in that crucible of contradictory facts, and here we’ve got some great stories for you to see me live. By the way, there’s a link in the description to sign up for my mailing list I’ll; I’ll put a link up at the end to subscribe if you don’t subscribe already, but most importantly, pay attention now because we’re going to tell you about a fascinating story where a young student at this conference was poor old brain starter got his ass handed to him. Now Applebaum from the Another has confronted the Atlantic, one of these naughty students, about the reporting of the Atlantic.
Thank you for doing those; I’m Daniel Schmidt I’m a freshman at the University of Chicago; my question is for miss Applebaum, um, so in 2020, you wrote, Those who live outside the fox news bubble do Not, of course, need to learn any of the stuff about hunter Biden referring to his laptop of curse oh, we’re also bored of having the part of slapped, oh boring old laptops, oh boring, a poll later after that found that if voters knew about the content of the computer 16 per cent of joe Biden voters would have acted differently now, of course; we knew a few weeks ago, the New York Times confirmed that the content is accurate, do you think the media acted? inappropriately when they instantly dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, and what can we learn from that and ensure that what we label this information is truly disinformation and not? The reality, what a great question from this young person he’s confronting the A journalist with how the narrative unfolded initially; it was assumed that the hunter Biden laptop was irrelevant, although I know a lot of you believed it from the get-go, probably because of your own biases, be honest, we’ve got to investigate ourselves while we’re exploring others hit me up in the comments below, and now it’s been proven to be accurate, the New York times has sanctified it, and it would have made an impact on that election, so that’s Interesting isn’t it my problem with hunter Biden’s laptop is, I think, totally Irrelevant, oh, there’s some more irrelevant news. What’s the irrelevant news today? The unrelated information is that potentially hunter Biden and Joe Biden have economic relationships in Ukraine and China with energy firms; oh, how boring what a potential prison and his son, oh, just involved in energy companies in Ukraine. Who cares about Ukraine? Never have I even heard of Ukraine and China. What are those guys doing? They don’t have any power or influence over there in China, do they, I? I mean, it’s not whether it’s Disinformation or I mean, I don’t think the hunter Biden’s um business relationships have anything to do with who should be president united States, so I didn’t find I don’t find it to be interesting, I would say it is Interesting, not the salacious stuff as we’ve always said that when we talked about this someone has issues with addiction or has a private life that strays from territories that might be regarded as Every day, I don’t think that’s anybody else’s business, but when it comes to financial corruption I believe it is essential. I’ll tell you who else was important.
mainstream media because they didn’t report on it on the eve of an election because they were invested in a particular outcome. It might seem to take another story we all remember: the immersive experience of like trump’s Russian collaboration. Oh, there’s Russian spying; there’s Russian support. Let me just read you a little bit of this the federal election commission earlier this month fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 The presidential campaign and the democratic national committee for failing to properly report funding on opposition research into the 2017 Steele dossier which examined former President Donald trump’s alleged links to Russia now i think that story has been largely disparaged comparable but sort of reversed to the stuff that’s gone on with Hunter Biden’s laptop, it makes you realise how media works if you’re deluged and hit with enough information enough times you ultimately kind of believe it, and it’s too late now and it’s confusing notice how many stories you can apply that to potentially around the pandemic indeed around the hunter Biden’s laptop is potentially around the whole Russia-gate stuff, all of these things are making me realise you must take on medium information with a great deal of discernment in a letter sent by the FEC to both parties on Tuesday the agency said the Clinton campaign and the DNC improperly reported the money they spent funding the dossier they weren’t meant to be spending that money funding a dossier labelling the spending as legal services and legal and compliance consulting instead of opposition research now that’s important that relates to trust what they’re actually trying to do was generate a smear The campaign, which, as of today, is Unsubstantiated, so it shows you that you need to apply a good deal of discernment and frankly, it’s down to Chicago university and its students to unravel this whole damn conspiracy political candidates and groups are legally required to disclose their publicly spending to the FEC, which is responsible for enforcing campaign finance law in us and explain the purpose of any The cost that exceeds 200 the FEC fined the Clinton campaign eight thousand dollars and the DNC 105 000 for the misconduct the letter said cleaners The campaign is still technically in The operation, we could still win it. We could still win it with more than 181 000 of cash on hand according to the January 22nd filing, more than enough to pay the FEC OK; the infamous dossier in question was prepared by former UK intelligence officer Christopher Steele and included a trove of prurient but unverified claims regarding the alleged relationship between Trump and members of the Russian intelligence community as well as assertions that his campaign colluded with the Kremlin in 2016 In the election, much of the information within the document has since been refuted.
It’s difficult not to conclude that the Clinton campaign was involved in malfeasance and nefarious activity because they didn’t even admit that they were spending the money on what they said they were. They lied. It says here that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid more than a million dollars to the law firm Perkins koi, which hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research because don’t you think, oh yeah, we spent a million dollars on trying to find out whether Trump is colluding with the Russians, why is that not there? It’s further evidence to suggest that the whole thing was a confection. I’m not saying that it was; I’m saying that all this evidence could suggest that could it hit me up in the comments below if you think that given that it’s simply an inquiry and a question much like the students at Chicago university are asking of another respected journalist about why the Biden laptop was embargoed you couldn’t report on it. You couldn’t.
It why be because it might make people vote differently. As the lad said, the subsequent poll suggests that people would have voted differently well, which means that the outcome of an entire general election was at stake, and information was suppressed that later proved to be true. What does that tell you about American democracy, whom the media supports, what the media wants and which team you’re on? It would help if you acknowledged that that does not look good, but here’s some more news reporting on hunter and James Biden’s business dealings. Oh, it’s so dull I’ve fallen asleep talking about it. We want to turn now to a CBS news investigation by Catherine Horridge, who spoke with a top Republican senator who has been investigating the business dealings of the president’s brother and son for years.
Now it’s a Republican senator, and if you don’t know this already, I’m no fan of the republican party like I’m not. Like, oh goody, the democrats are going to look bad. I wouldn’t say I like either of them; I don’t think they’re all flawed human beings. They’re all children of the light and children of God if you ask me, but these systems are so entrenched corrupt that I’m not going to waste any more of my life going; I like that bit of the design, oh, that bit of the system’s Horrible, oh that’s boring the whole thing stinks. CBS News has learned that more than 150 transactions involving either hunter or James Biden’s global business affairs were flagged as concerning by u.s banks for further review. Some of those concerns, including large wire transfers boring concerning business affairs, oh, I didn’t fall asleep James Biden has worked as an entrepreneur and recently in the health care industry well it’s been a quiet time for the old health care industry the last couple of years were you concerned about this week? Grassley released bank records indicating James Biden’s company, the lion hall group, was paid directly by a Chinese finance consulting firm.
These are bank records? I’ve got a conspiracy theory maybe when that Chinese energy The firm gave some money wait gave some money to James Biden. Maybe they, perhaps they wanted something in return, you maniac. In our interview, Grassley did not allege the Bidens broke the law, but he said it’s concerning that both hunter and James Biden were promised retainers for their China work totalling 165 000 a month in 2017. that’s a reasonable retainer, Man; I’d like that check. I’ll go and work for the Chinese, go.
Uh, right, hello, welcome to the channel. Everything’s going well in the. world. Shut up, watch the mainstream media vote for either the democrats or Republicans; you probably get someone. By the way, where’s my [ __] money this? CBS News verified that this 2019 subpoena shows that federal investigators also sought hunter and James Biden’s business records from a significant u.s bank dating back to 2014. why wouldn’t you tell us then why won’t you report it then got some boring news the vice president’s son and brother are all involved with these Chinese energy firms China I’ve heard of them somewhere as part of A separate probe by our attorney in Delaware into possible violations of tax and foreign lobbying laws, oh those violations of tax and lobbying are so Boring, I’m so bored of all this Corruption, yeah, I’m bored of the mittimus well.
That’s why I’d like to end, that’s why I’d like systems that represent ordinary people in our will running our communities being able to have some impact though here’s a word democracy, have you heard of it? I think hunter and James Biden should not have entered those relationships in the best case; those things look terrible in the worst case, and the conflicts can be quite serious. The best-case scenario is that it looks bad. The worst-case system is severe between those two poles. I believe a little thing called the news should all be covered. The white house chief of staff said this week that the president is confident that his family did the right thing adding that these actions by hunter and James are private matters and don’t involve the president. Imagine like your own family, I mean, if someone’s like getting an excellent job at a restaurant you know I would go to that restaurant we’ll get a good seat, and then the president of the United States. You’re getting a retainer of 65 grand or underground.
A month after this, we still guess whom my dad is gone. Who is it? It’s The president blocked it here could. Could you get me? Can you imagine a selfie? with him spot on it, I don’t find it interesting. That would be my problem with that as a major news story. Uh, we’re going to talk about more of this uh tomorrow in our first uh panel, so stand by um and I think we have run out of time, so there you have it, a freshman at a The university is asking for more pertinent germane and vital questions than the entire corporate and legacy media when he does so well I don’t have time for that there’s a panel on little bastards tomorrow this meeting’s over. That’s how the establishment operates; you can see the whole thing in the micro conf ohm of the young an inquiring mind asks questions, and then the establishment shuts it down and tries to flatten it out with Faf [ __] pap.
I would say that these relationships within the Biden family and their corporate connotations or these relationships within the Clinton campaign and their potential propagandist connotations are significant matters. If you don’t have media that’s willing to report on that, you don’t have media. If you have a propaganda system, you have a system that meets a specific agenda, but that’s what I think. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below if these issues concern you; let me know if you can pick away your own biases and prejudices and alliances with a party and recognise that it’s the system itself that needs to change unless we have a real democracy have nothing at all. That’s just what I think, however. Let me know in the comments below what do you think? Have a look at these two videos.
They’re both pretty good, actually; I like that one sign up for my mailing list because I need to communicate with you all the time; I want direct contact with you. See me live if you want the stickers in Blackpool. I can’t believe I’m saying that to you in America, but more important than coming to see me in Blackpool is that you please stay free English (auto-generated)