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Welcome to Dailyplanet.Club – Pioneering a New Era of Innovation and Community

Join Us in Achieving the Golden Missions of Dailyplanet.Club

Dailyplanet.Club is more than just a platform; it’s a movement. For years, we have been dedicated to eradicating corruption, greed, poverty, and pollution through collective effort and cutting-edge technology. Our mission is to build a sustainable future by harnessing the power of community and innovation.

Our Vision: A Better Future for All

Imagine a world free from utility bills, pollution, disease, and corruption. At Dailyplanet.Club, this vision is not just a dream – it’s a reality we are building together. By joining us, you become a part of a global initiative aimed at creating positive change and supporting infrastructure and businesses that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet.

Why Join Dailyplanet.Club?

  • Advanced Technology: We have spent over 40 years developing revolutionary energy propulsion technology that produces electricity as a by-product. This technology is ready to transform how we power our homes and vehicles.
  • Privacy and Security: As a private club, we are free from government oversight and external interference. Our members can share and access content securely and autonomously, protected by law and overseen by our tribunal.
  • Collective Effort: Dailyplanet.Club thrives on the collective strength of its members. Your support helps us build factories and infrastructure that bring innovative solutions to life, eradicating the issues that plague our society.

Our Commitment: Eradicating Corruption and Greed

We are committed to fighting corruption and greed by creating a transparent and ethical community. Our platform ensures that every member has a voice and can contribute to shaping our future. Together, we can build a world where integrity and fairness prevail.

Sustainable Solutions: Ending Poverty and Pollution

Dailyplanet.Club is dedicated to developing sustainable solutions that address poverty and pollution. By leveraging our advanced technology, we aim to provide free energy to homes and unlimited-range transport solutions. Our initiatives are designed to create a cleaner, healthier environment for future generations.

Become a Part of the Dailyplanet.Club Community

  • Influence and Innovate: As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to influence the design and functionality of our platform. Your feedback is invaluable in our quest to continuously evolve and improve.
  • Support and Growth: We support the development of businesses within our community. With strategic patents and copyrights, we empower members to innovate and succeed, fostering a thriving economy that benefits all.
  • Global Citizens Private Assembly: Join the Global Citizens Private Assembly and stay updated with live news broadcasts from members around the world. Together, we can share knowledge, inspire action, and drive change.

Our Immediate Goal: Building the First Factory

To kickstart our initiatives, we need 4.5 million members. Once we reach this milestone, we will begin constructing our first factory, which will produce advanced vehicles and power stations. This factory represents a leap forward, taking us from the steam age into the quantum era.

Join Us Today

All are welcome to join Dailyplanet.Club. Be a part of our growing community and help us revolutionize the world. Together, we can achieve the Golden Missions and create a better, more sustainable future for everyone.

↓Listen to the high-speed audio↓ this is important⇓

Please Watch all these videos right to the end because each part is important to know.

Don’t miss out on anything.

“Break free from utility bills with the Quantum Crystal Engine, paving the way to transparency and independence. Presented by specialist MJ of MJHSA Ltd, this cutting-edge technology is committed to revolutionising the global energy supply, eliminating evil disease, corruption, pollution, and carbon emissions in one step.”

Welcome to Dailyplanet.Club

Modern Social Network Solutions

Dailyplanet.Club offers robust, sophisticated social network software with great add-on features through our plugin system.

Membership Benefits

  • Create user profiles
  • Private conversations
  • Make social connections
  • Create and join groups

Perfect for companies, schools, sports teams, and niche communities.


  • Easy integration and use
  • Theme compatibility API
  • Create custom themes
  • Built-in support for Akismet and bbPress

Add-Ons Available

  • DP Attachments
  • DP Classic (backwards compatibility for versions 12.0+)

Join Our Community

Contribute to Dailyplanet.Club and help shape its future. Available in many languages thanks to global volunteers. Visit our documentation site to learn more and get involved.

Be Part of the Innovation

Dailyplanet.Club supports the development of private, secure communities free from government oversight, ensuring a protected environment for all members. Join us today and help revolutionize the future!


Dear Esteemed Prospective Members,

Join our visionary community and embark on a journey to true energy independence with our revolutionary bypass technology, the Quantum Crystal Engine. Say goodbye to elite control of utility bills as we pave the way for a sustainable, transparent future.

The Quantum Crystal Engine:

  • Revolutionary Power Technology: Experience a groundbreaking advancement in energy with our dual-purpose engine, powering both vehicles and homes.
  • Vehicle-to-Home Energy: Transform your car into a home power source, redefining how you power your household.
  • Self-Sufficient Home Energy: Embrace standalone home power units, crafted through years of dedicated research and development.
  • Membership Benefits: Gain exclusive insights and free electricity as a club member, shaping the future of energy.
  • Sustainable Cost Model: Replace traditional utility bills with a leasing model, putting you in control of your energy needs.

Join Dailyplanet.Club:

  • Be Part of a Global Movement: Join a community supplanting outdated systems with state-of-the-art bypass technology.
  • Support Our Mission: Your membership investment fuels our global expansion, ensuring access to technology for all members.

Join us at Dailyplanet.Club and drive monumental change together.

With anticipation for a brighter future, www.dailyplanet.Club

Level Price  
Three months free trial £0.50 now and then £24.00 every 3 Months. Subscribe
Allied Guardian-: Weekly membership £0.50 now and then £2.20 per Week. Subscribe
*Allied Guardian-: monthly membership £5.40 now and then £8.45 per Month. Subscribe
*Allied Guardian-: annual membership £10.00 now and then £83.72 per Year. Subscribe

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Dear Esteemed Prospective Members,

This official platform is exclusively disclosed upon your sharing. DPC stands ready to address national and global emergencies with our groundbreaking technology. With anticipation for a brighter future, dailyplanet.Club

Dear Friends and Family,

It’s time to get on the narrow path and avoid ignorance. Spread the word yourself and share the narrow Gate with those you care about. This authorized presentation by the official governmental authority and experts in their respective fields, supported by the European Parliament in Strasbourg, is a beacon of knowledge and truth.

Let’s walk this path together and illuminate the way for a brighter future.


Join the future of democracy for humanity and nature to optimize life and health with advanced knowledge and technology. Together, let’s pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Are you ready to embrace the future? Join us now!

Are you looking for leadership that aligns with your values and aspirations for a better future? Join us and stand against the forces of evil. Together, we can create positive change and build a brighter tomorrow.

Join us today and be part of the solution!

Join us on a journey of liberation! Say goodbye to the steam age and bid farewell to the evils of disease, corruption, and pollution.

With the backing of people’s democracy, we’re driving forward, bypassing elite corruption and paving the way to health and prosperity.

Join a global community rallying support for cutting-edge technology, propelling us from the steam age into the dazzling era of quantum advancements. Embrace the future – it’s time for a quantum leap!

Own the technology for a better tomorrow. You are invited to join us!

Welcome to the narrow Gate and path of Faith and Success.

Discover a World Where Technology, Community, and Nature Intertwine Working together in harmony 🌐 Dailyplanet.Club: A Nexus of Innovation and Global Collaboration 🌐

“Dailyplanet.Club transcends the ordinary, emerging as a vibrant hub with cutting-edge technology, supporting a global community of innovators, and a steadfast commitment to ecological balance unite. Backed by supporting legal tribunals and factories focused on progressive development and production, this unique amalgamation ensures that our community doesn’t just envision the future but actively moulds it with practical solutions in a dynamic, evolving environment. Our goal is to eradicate satanic elite corruption and satanic brainwashing. In a world historically dominated by satanic greed and evil dualism corruption, we stand at the forefront of change. Our dedication lies in bypassing corrupt practices, and nurturing a culture firmly anchored in love, unity, and communal harmony and prosperity.






Join Daily Planet Club’s advanced technology and informative community, breaking the grip of the elites’ Trilateral Commission monopoly and communist control.

We strive to bypass corruption, fostering a culture rooted in love and communal spirit, NOT satanic worship and sacrifice.

Global Synergy: Connect with a diverse tapestry of minds worldwide. Engage, share, and broaden your perspective in a community that cherishes every voice.

Frontline Insights: Immerse yourself in a realm rich with expert knowledge. Here, learning is limitless, and insights flow freely with the truth.

Interactive Dialogue: Our private forums and platforms are catalysts for community sustainability and growth, fostering respect, and collaborative innovation with honesty and integrity.

Cutting-Edge Updates: Stay informed with daily updates, bridging technological breakthroughs with the latest in arts and sciences.

Business Development: We assist in building your business within the club’s environment, enabling trade within the club itself. This approach represents bypass technology, taking you away from the competitive business battlefield and towards constructing a business community that supports its members, not the war machine.

Join the Movement of Revolutionary Change with unlimited power and range!

Join us at Dailyplanet.Club, where we don’t just follow the future; we forge it.

With significant technology and knowledge on our side, our mission is action-driven – fostering real-world impacts through collective innovation and thought leadership supported by democracy.

Patent pending technology secured by NDA.

Revolutionary Health Breakthroughs: Identifying and halting toxins in your food and water, fostering health for nature and humanity. Enhanced by calcium, the crucial link between nature’s science and humanity’s medical knowledge.

Revolutionizing Everyday Life: Experience a transformative era where your vehicle becomes a beacon of innovation, leading to seamless energy and connectivity.

Quantum Leap in Technology: Our Quantum Crystal Engine symbolizes our dedication to a sustainable, efficient future.

Challenging the Status Quo: Join a movement that defies limitations and outdated systems, embraces autonomy, and pioneers a new path towards health and longevity. Say goodbye to satanic elite products and services; this is bypass technology.

You’re invited to Your Invitation to a Brighter Tomorrow with Human Rights Unity (HRU). “WATCH THE VIDEO”

“We summon world citizens, visionaries, leaders, and change-makers. United, we’ll elevate a voice for a cleaner, more innovative, transparent, and healthier world.”

Transformative Savings: Transition to a future where efficiency aligns with cost-effectiveness, leaving traditional utility bills behind.

A Catalyst for Positive Change: We’re more than a community; we’re a movement for truth, transparency, and individual empowerment.

Engaging Conversations: Dive into diverse, meaningful discussions, from environmental ethics to cutting-edge technological trends.

Internal Trading: Dismantling the Elite’s Monopoly to Combat Inflation.

🌐 Join Dailyplanet.Club for less than the price of a newspaper 🌐



Discover the Global Planet Club, where technology, humanity, and ecological mindfulness converge. Engage with Dailyplanet.Club to help forge a future that’s not only brighter, more interconnected, and innovative, but also free from corruption, forever wars, poverty, electricity range anxiety, and devastating toxic pollution.

This journey is about much more than just innovation; it’s a commitment to enhancing health and ensuring long-term vitality for both nature and humanity, embodying a vision where wellness and sustainability are inseparable and mutually reinforcing. Join us in shaping this transformative future!

Level Price  
Three months free trial £0.50 now and then £24.00 every 3 Months. Subscribe
Allied Guardian-: Weekly membership £0.50 now and then £2.20 per Week. Subscribe
*Allied Guardian-: monthly membership £5.40 now and then £8.45 per Month. Subscribe
*Allied Guardian-: annual membership £10.00 now and then £83.72 per Year. Subscribe

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“Spread the vision to friends, and family, as they are all ready for change. Your transformative journey begins at www,DailyPlanet.club”

Revolutionizing the Future of Energy: MJ’s Quantum Crystal Engine Unleashed

The page was written By MJ

“The Global Citizens Private Assembly spearheads the movement against corruption and bureaucracy, innovatively replacing traditional utility bills. At the heart of this initiative is Dailyplanet.Club, is a dynamic hub that blends advanced technology, a network of global innovators, and a dedication to ecological harmony. This platform not only envisions a progressive future but actively shapes it, driven by factories committed to sustainable development and production. Our mission transcends mere resistance to elite corruption and brainwashing; it’s about fostering a new era characterized by communal love, spirit, and tangible change.”







  • Count test one MJ

    Dear New Members and Guardians,

    I hope this message finds you well. During a recent registration to test the system, I identified a few discrepancies in the introduction to our website’s membership enrollment process. Rest assured, I am committed to correcting and enhancing this service for our valued members, elevating the overall professionalism of our presentation forms.

    Your feedback is incredibly important to us. I encourage any new members with ideas or suggestions to share them with us. This platform is open to discussions on any topic, aiming to enhance every aspect of life and create a better experience for us all. Your contributions not only improve our services but also help create a better world for nature and humanity.

    Please feel free to leave your thoughts, and let’s embark on this journey of continuous improvement together. Thank you for being an integral part of our community.

    Best regards,

    Dailyplanet.Club Administration

  • MJ

    We have discovered a legal loophole. While the government regulates the public domain, we can safeguard the private domain with truth and innovation by offering our services to you. We will reveal the truth about what free speech and democracy mean for the people and the planet. Learn more as a member.

    At Dailyplanet.Club, it’s easy to know your rights. This is the place where you can share your ideas with others who want to make a positive difference. You can even promote your private business and provide private services to fellow club members. The private sector is a grey area between public and private. The government is public but often obscures the truth about the private sector, allowing the public sector to infiltrate without informing you of your rights.

    Here at Dailyplanet.Club, we provide the information you need to stay safe. We also offer entertainment and personal support, like a family would. We care about your interests and our common goal of protecting the planet and its inhabitants.



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