We have left the links so you can go out and research it yourself and bring the information back to this website so other members can see what you can see. I hadn’t heard of Chris Thompson either, but he claims to know something I don’t know about the sudden deaths. “So I’m hoping he’ll set the record straight since he’s an expert on science.” (“Science lessons from self-appointed expert Chris Thompson”) I’d never heard of Chris Thompson before today. He has few followers judging by this post where he proclaims with great certainty that “there is no reason to believe that the vaccine contributed to” the death of Shane Warne. So I guess Chris must be an expert on the topic, but you wouldn’t know that by the number of likes (only 5). But what got my attention is that he’sing, Azeem Malhotra, a science student after Azeem retweeted the new VSRF video that everyone should watch, like, and forward: At the daily planet club, we have more information that goes deeper than you can see here. We have the exact knowledge of what is causing devastation to our population. This devastation to our people is known to be genocide. We have proof of genocide. We have evidence of the climate change that is causing the genocide that is related to the government’s methods of the protocol. We have proof that the government removes calcium from your body with Chemicals. There is no denying it. We have the evidence to join the club, become a member, find out precisely what it is and receive the antidote. We have the proof to join the club and become fully-fledged members. We can only offer it to private club members, as that is the law. Find out exactly what it is, and accept the treatment. There is no denying it toxins have infiltrated every method of consumption. This first method was not working fast enough to cool the population. So they decided to enter the COVID vaccine. To call more off from the people. This is genocide. Genocide of pollution was the first stage, and genocide of COVID vaccines was the second stage. How many unexplained deaths are happening? To watch the video and see the people who die from heart attacks who look 100% healthy? We can search and show you scientific evidence that is written in history. Not made-up and not fabricated.
The considerable confusion I am trying to be a good science student here, but I must confess that Chris doesn’t explain it very well. He says you shouldn’t make unsubstantiated claims if you want to be believed. Then he says that many of the deaths in the video likely had nothing to do with the vaccines, which is an unsub; I initiated a claim. So didn’t publicly do what he said not to do more credible? Azeem has an h-index of 15 with 1,632 citations. Chris Thompson has an h-index of zero AFAIK. It’s not clear he’s e, gi, give, give shed a pap, er anywhere. So Chris, if we are confused about who to believe about science, please explain why we should believe you and not Azeem, as this is not super clear to me (and my readers). My questions for Chris 1. Which deaths in our video had nothing to do with the vaccine, and how do you KNOW that? Did you do the autopsy on these people and run the proper stains to check for vaccine involvement? As everyone knows, I don’t want to spread misinformation, so if you have proven the vaccine wasn’t involved in any of these deaths, please provide it, and we’ll be happy to fix the video, OK? 2. Will you debate me on vaccine safety? Or do you believe that science doesn’t allow debate after the COVID vaccines rolled out (like it used to let in the past)? Use the Contact me form. The one thing nearly all of us misinformation spreaders have in common is… We welcome discussion and debate on our views. All the people who disagree with us insist on censorship and no discussion. They want us to believe that THEY are the experts on how science works, but they won’t debate that with us either. Summary Chris and others need to explain why not even one of the vaccine supporters will engage in a scientific discussion with the people they attack. Chris: I’m attacking your reputation, but I’m willing to have a publicly recorded discussion with you if you disagree. You are attacking Azeem’s reputation. Are you willing to have a public discussion with him? Please watch our new video, give it a like, and spread the word. Twitter doesn’t want you to view this, so they are heavily censoring it: Our billboards (yes, more than one) go up outside CDC headquarters on Tuesday. I can’t wait. |