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Just like what is here now, we are learning information about the world. Now we are becoming more intelligent than the politicians, get my meaning. We only know how accurate it is once we have read it all. We must determine whether it is truthful or the fabrication of someone’s imagination. Until the information is read and exurb by the person listening and reading it simultaneously, education is so important to have a broad knowledge so that we can piece the jigsaw together and come up with the correct analogies for our future. With billions of people’s education impacting and improving continuously through our education.
Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I thank you for listening to my explanation.
Now I will leave you with Catastrophe – Episode 3 – Planet of Fire.
This city, the people in it, and all life on the planet are only Here by chance; 99% of all the species that ever existed were wiped out in a series of global catastrophes and disasters that changed the course of evolution. Still, without them, we wouldn’t be here at all 250 million years ago, the most significant volcanic eruptions. The planet had ever seen nearly erased all life on Earth. This is the story of fireball Earth. I’d always thought that our rise to become the dominant species on the planet must have been a reasonably orderly Progression from species to species, but it wasn’t it. It was an arbitrary, often brutal process, a case of survive or die; it’s challenging to grasp the immense time Scale of the events that shaped us, so imagine Earth’s history, all four. A half billion years of it compressed into the 24 hours of a single day; each minute Is three million years at midnight. The planet was born on 12-02. We suffered our First catastrophe earth collided with another world. The planet was nearly destroyed, but in its wake, life began billions of years past. Then, at 8-27 p.m., the earth was encased in ice for millions of years of primitive life in the oceans was pushed to the brink.
Still, life took its most incredible evolutionary leap when the ice melted from a single cell to a multicellular organism. Then things calm down but not for long 10-40 p.m. on our clock, that’s 250 million years ago once again, every living thing faced extinction. It’s a Period in prehistory called the Permian; the earth met the biggest catastrophe it had ever seen. One Cataclysmic event kick-started a chain reaction that wiped out 95% of the planet’s animal and plant species. It was Earth’s darkest hour; according to scientists like South African palaeontologist Roger Smith, the interview extinction was as dramatic as a mass Extinction could be that since the beginning of life on Earth, there has been no other one that has come close to the 95 per cent of species on earth, both in the land.
Sea disappearing within a concise space was the worst mass extinction ever. Still, without it, the world we recognise today wouldn’t exist. Had it not been for those few Survivors, those few animals which were pre-adapted or able to get through that Great drought, we would not have had life on earth. How it happened. why it happened it’s a mystery that’s puzzled scientists since evidence of the catastrophe was First discovered almost half a century ago. If they could solve it could shed new light on our understanding of the evolution of life on Earth in South Africa, three hours drive from Blum Fontaine; Roger Smith is visiting an area that was once teeming with animals.
We’re the kuru basin of South Africa; It’s a vast semi-arid scrubland lot of canyons. Lots of copies of these flat-topped copies, but 250 million years ago, this would have looked like a very different place rainfall in the mountain areas was feeding Mississippi-sized Rivers, which meandered themselves slowly across the plains. This was a fully developed stable ecosystem small-clawed eating creatures called ducted ants thrived here, scurrying about in the vegetation—vast herds of cows. Herbivores called decided ants grazed on the plains, but this flourishing world was also home to a vicious killer for over 150 million years. Before t-rex came along Gorgon option was the Earth’s most efficient carnival. Armed with serrated interlocking teeth, this ferocious animal was the ancient world’s top predator, but all these Creatures were doomed.
None of them survived the mass extinction, an event so devastating that real life itself was nearly wiped out; its cause Would be a mystery if it weren’t for clues buried in the rocks like those of South Africa’s kuru basin under this scrub palaeontologists have unearthed gems from this turbulent time. My job as A geologist. palaeontologist is to read the stones; understand how they were laid down. Understand what happened to live through the ages. Now sedimentary rocks like this are characterised by layers, each layer Representing a point in time when the position was taking place; the oldest layers are at the bottom, and the youngest layers are at the top. These rocks are like a time machine taking us back 250 million years. The Smith climbs the stones. He reaches the lair that records when the Permian world was wiped out. He was Sitting at the very top of the Permian; this interval shows Us something theatrical in the rock record below me. We have green. Bluish Grey rocks suggest the environment was wet. These rocks Testify to the near death of our planet; the grey. Flooding formed green stones, and there littered with fossils. They tell us that this part of the world was once wet, lush, and full of life, but it’s a very different story above this layer.
Suddenly, everything turns red; that Reddening indicates rapid drying. Warming of these red rocks. It Reveals a sudden. Dramatic temperature rise. It was marking the point when life on Earth nearly ended. The fossils tell us that there Is virtually nothing left on earth; we go into a dead zone. This layer marks the moment when the world changed below the line of grey rocks full of fossils full of life above in the Red Rocks; nothing life had almost ceased to exist, not just here. The dead zone was a line of death that travelled worldwide. It could be found on every continent. This meant global warming. Mass Extinction was global 250 million years ago, the earth’s temperature spiralled out of control, and something huge on a planet-wide scale pushed temperatures up by 10 degrees. It killed all Life on Earth virtually; it’s 10-40 on our clock of The Earth’s history 250 million years ago; our planet was climate free for the sudden. Dramatic global warming changed the course of evolution on earth. It caused a mass extinction so devastating that scientists thought it must have been caused by something extraordinary, an impact from outer space. Could it have been an asteroid strike?
An impact would have sent billions of tons of dust high into the atmosphere knocking out the Sun, stopping plant growth, reducing temperatures, and causing the food chain to collapse. The extinction would have happened within days or weeks, but that’s not the story the rocks have told us over the last decade, professor Paul Wagnall. Researchers at Leeds University have been examining rocks from the dead zone. Around the time of the devastating mass extinction, they collected thousands of samples. Take hours of video on their expeditions to Greenland. These rocks paint a complete picture of the end of the stones from South Africa, revealing a story of Extinction on land.
Sea the end is the most significant fossil Crime scene of all time, so the great thing about Greenland is that we have such an excellent record at the crime scene. If you like, there’s just a tremendous amount of information to be collected, so it provides us with a highly detailed record of what happened, probably one of the best records of that time interval. Moreover, these Greenland rocks put pay to the idea that an impact caused The extinction. The most apparent clues would be that the end should go extremely fast within the sort of Days. Weeks of a crash, everything will essentially drop dead in a matter of years, so that should be Razor-sharp when we see it in a fossil record; we should see just a short line or termination; that’s not what we see instead witness rocks show that the Extinction happened over a period of 100,000 years, far too long to be the result of a meteor strike Greenland Team’s discovery meant that something else must have caused the catastrophic extinction, geologist Mike Benton Thinks he knows what he believes the disaster began deep beneath the earth’s surface If it’s not impacted then the following most apparent dramatic instant kind of catastrophe is initiated by volcanic eruptions of some sort, so you look for some centre of volcanic eruptions volcanoes. Nature’s ultimate destructive force, fueled by immense pressure deep within the planet, shoots the molten rock. Toxic gases are high in our atmosphere. Suppose scientists could find evidence of intense volcanic activity just before the mass extinction.
In that case, it could be The Smoking Gun they’ve been looking for deep beneath the frozen wastes of one of the earth’s remotest corners. Siberia is a significant clue, a vast expanse of ancient lava flows forming a Bleak landscape called the Siberian traps. The Siberian traps are a style of Volcanism which we don’t see on earth today. They represent the earth’s most prominent style of volcanism ever experienced or produced. Earth’s ancient volcanic eruptions dwarfed anything we might witness today; at the end of the Permian period, millions of cubic miles of magma built up beneath the Siberian crust, and the entire region began to bulge upwards. Then, like a giant blister, the earth erupted, spewing vast amounts of lava and flooding the area under a sea of molten rock. It’s a type of volcanic eruption called flood basalt. Here was the force behind the extermination of 250 million years ago, the Siberian flood basalts released enough lava to cover an area the size of the United States under one mile of molten Rock Siberia has long said schooled.
However, Iceland is still one of the world’s most geologically active places. Here Mike Benton is researching the terrible impact even a small flood basalt could Have. We’re here in the middle of a lava field in larky in Iceland because this Is a very well-documented historical basalt eruption that can act as a good analogy for the Siberian traps in 1783, a Vent eruption happened here, which lasted for about eight months This eighteenth-century incident offers a unique insight into flood basalts devastating power Over eight months the unanticipated event ravaged southern Iceland. Still, it was tiny compared to the Siberian eruptions. Even so, it was a disaster. Volcanoes produced three things. The lava will kill things locally, producing ash and, most importantly, gas. Now the lava goes a relatively short distance, and the ash will go further, flying but what kills are the gases the larky eruption produced vast quantities of sulphur dioxide.
This gas has a deadly impact on the environment. Mixing it with water creates sulfuric acid, which falls to earth as acid rain. That has a terrible effect, as was recorded by the people at lucky, where they reported that it burned people’s Eyeballs. It made it hard for them to breathe because it congested their lungs livestock suffered lesions. Burning of their skin, plants were killed off, and the whole food chain began to collapse, and that was just the start. Some of the sulfuric acids didn’t fall back to earth. They stayed in the atmosphere in tiny droplets. This reflected sunlight away from the planet, cooling its surface.
The cooling Following the Lark eruption was catastrophic. It killed more people than the immediate damage caused by sulfuric acid. It created frigid winters for two or three years after the explosion, not just in Iceland but throughout much of Northern Europe; people reported crop failures. Death. As a result of Benton’s Analysis of the larky eruption has shown that the cooling effect produced by volcanic sulphur dioxide is deadly. The products can be felt thousands of miles away. Imagine how Devastating the Siberian traps must have been. Lackey spewed out gas.
Lava fade months. It covered an area of about 200 square miles in molten rock, But the Siberian traps erupted for nearly half a million years. They’ve reduced almost three million square miles of lava. That’s 200,000 times larger than Larkin using larky as a model; Benton can begin to reconstruct the chain of events that Turn the Siberian eruptions into a global killer. It started with a large Eruption the most likely sequence of events begins with these massive eruptions in Siberia, with lava spreading over thousands of square kilometres square miles of landscape and causing Destruction. Devastation wherever they went; then came the natural killer like larky the eruptions released billions of tons of sulphur dioxide into Earth’s atmosphere. First, it turned into acid maintenance.
Vast bleached areas of the earth, he created volcanic winters, which sent global temperatures plummeting. Around the world, climate change killed plants, the food chain fell Apart, where the plants failed, and herbivores Like to sign dance starve where the carnivores that ate Them died to ten per cent of species perished, but this was just the beginning. Another gas released by the Siberian traps was about to worsen things. In Leeds, palaeontologist Paul Wagnall is surrounded by the victim’s fossils found in rocks from Greenland. They testify to the devastating effects of the Siberian eruptions; the first thing that starts suffering in the entire fossil record is the plant record. We start seeing a change in the Composition of plants and the appearance of some strange, mutated spores. Whitmore’s fossilised plants reveal a world struggling to adapt to climate Change. They also recalled the effects of the second deadly volcanic gas.
Carbon dioxide looks at the surfaces of leaves. The number of little holes in the leaf’s surfaces monitors how much carbon dioxide there is. Plants need carbon dioxide to survive. They absorb it through tiny holes on the backs of their leaves. The more carbon dioxide in the environment, the fewer holes the plant needs to drink. When scientists Studied fossilised leaves dating back 250 million years, they discovered a sudden dramatic reduction in the number of breathing holes. It seemed that carbon dioxide levels surged at the start of the extinction. That meant one thing the Siberian trapper shins must have released billions of tons of co2. Scientists calculate that the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere at the time of the eruptions was twenty times higher than it is today, more than enough to affect the severe Climate.
It was global warming gone mad the result of these Siberian trap ruptures was a rise in global temperature of at least five degrees Centigrade. They happened episodically, so maybe there were pulses repeated. The repeated temperature rise of five degrees may sound small to us, but it had a massive impact on the Earth’s climate; warming the Earth’s atmosphere affects how rain is generated. Dictates where it falls by raising the earth’s temperature; volcanic co2 fundamentally altered global weather systems in equatorial regions. It Stopped raining in South Africa, and the kuru basin felt the full impact of this climate change; its lush floodplains became scorched desert palaeontologist Roger Smith studies how this rapidly changing landscape affected The Carew’s inhabitants; he’s just discovered one of the victims here we Have an institute skull of designer Don. It’s one of the last of the big cow’s Sized herbivores of the Permian period; at this level, which is just below extinction, this represents probably the last gasp of the Permian herbivores. Global warming marked an evolutionary watershed in the Earth’s history of animals. Plants suffered from Drought.
Starvation; 35% of them perished. Still, the fallout from the Siberian traps was only beginning the rise in global temperatures, triggering a domino effect that unleashed the next terrible wave of extinction, this time in the oceans. It was p.m. on the earth’s clock 250 million years ago; massive volcanic Eruptions released millions of tons of gas, cooled, and heated the Ancient World. This see-sawing climate killed animals—plants by a million. Extinction ruled the land.
This was the terrible first phase in the extermination of virtually all life on Earth but a critical moment in man’s evolution. So far, the oceans have escaped unscathed, but that was about to change palaeontologist Paul Wagnall has found evidence of the following deadly phase of the mass extinction 50000 years after the start of the Siberian eruptions. The Death of the oceans is an excellent example of a box that would get from Greenland; the evidence is, first of all, black, which is typical when you have no oxygen around, but even more tell-tale is this lovely sort of golden crystals which we can see on the surface, this is pyrite or fool’s Gold. We’d only find it if there were no oxygen on the sea floor. A vital breakthrough fool’s gold can only form in an environment that lacks oxygen; its discovery in 250-Million-year-old rocks means only one thing. Somehow, the Earth’s oceans had lost their oxygen. Something major was going on that hadn’t been discovered before. We saw a sudden lack of oxygen at the End of the Permian mass extinction. It’s an entirely new extinction phenomenon.
Then, we realised that we were now looking at a very different way of killing life in the seas, but even lower oxygen levels in the water can’t explain why so many died. It’s a mystery that the research at Green Lakes. National Park in upstate New York has helped solve marine geologist Lee Kamp’s discovery of the process that he thinks was responsible for the Wipeout of nearly all marine life 250 million years ago. We’re here at Green Lake because we view this as a microcosm of the ocean that may have existed at the end of the Permian at the time of this great mass extinction. It’s a unique habitat here that’s unusual in most lakes. It’s like a typical Lake at the surface, but lurking down below is this contaminated water. The lake looks normal, but under the surface, it’s dying just like the ancient Permian oceans, the seas stagnating its circulation and grinding to a halt over the past five years, camp. Divers from Penn State University have been monitoring the lake’s low death at the Bottom they found strange colonies of purple sulphur bacteria, an organism that only lives in water rich in a highly toxic gas called hydrogen sulphide.
This gas is a vital ingredient in producing fool’s gold discovered in Greenland rocks from the seafloor 250 million years ago. It seems whatever happened in this lake was happening in the Permian oceans. Once the oxygen level drops then to the point where there’s no oxygen left, then Organisms that can’t stand oxygen thrive; these organisms have a Waste product, hydrogen sulphide, that is poisonous to air-breathing life companies teams are Researching the rising levels of hydrogen sulphide. In the lake, they do This by measuring the growth of purple sulphur bacteria and recording the changing depth at which it can be found. When they find it when they pull out pink water, we’re looking for the pink Water because that’s indicative of where these purple sulphur bacteria live. This is our marker of where these Organisms have a large population density. There are so many there that they create this pink water below this Toxic layer of pink water oxygen breathing animals can’t survive Charted the changing depths of which pink water can be found in Green Lake, oh Yeah, that’s rotten eggs that’s nasty stuff He’s discovered that as oxygen levels in the lake drop, the amount of poisonous hydrogen sulphide increases. Pink water can be found closer to the surface.
It means the poison is rising through the water, killing all the oxygen Breathing animals who live there; the green lakes are just a few small pockets Of water but imagine it on a global scale if we were to take a satellite Picture of the Permian ocean the regions that are green today would have been pink when viewed from space because of the abundance of the purple sulphur bacteria camps green Lakes research Gives us an insight into what was happening in the world’s oceans at the time of the mass extinction of rocks from The same period tells us it was global phenomenon oceans. Seas were starved of oxygen. Saturated with poison, something significant must have happened to Trigger’s removal of oxygen in the green lake. It’s caused by stagnating water. The Water has stopped circulating; recently, researchers have discovered that 250 million years ago, the same thing happened globally; usually, oxygen dissolves into seawater at the surface. It’s then transported by currents circulating between the equators. The poles: sunlight at the equator Warms the seawater. As this warm water moves towards the poles, it cools.
It sinks, carrying its dissolved oxygen down, allowing the oceans. Their inhabitants to breathe. This same process Was happening 250 million years ago.
Still, the Siberian traps came along. They raised the earth’s temperature by 5 degrees centigrade, a sign for the world. Mainly the oceans are how it affects circulation in the world’s oceans. It’s like leaving a Goldfish bowl in the window in bright sunshine. The water there warms up, loses oxygen, and essentially stagnates.
So if you magnify that to an oceanic scale, then that’s effectively what We think is happening in the oceans at the end of the Permian. The evidence suggests that 250 million years ago, the rapid global warming Created by volcanic gases warmed the atmosphere and the oceans. They stopped circulating oxygen.
It Stagnated, becoming a breeding ground for poisonous hydrogen sulphide-producing bacteria. The warming then led to the Development of the build-up of hydrogen sulphide in the deep ocean. This reached such large concentrations that it invaded the shallow part of the ocean. It has Displaced all the Air-breathing organisms from those environments. Eventually provided no place for shelter.
Climate change triggered by the Siberian traps has already killed around 1/3 of all species on land by raising the Temperature of Earth’s oceans; it then caused the death of virtually all life In the sea, but the killing wasn’t finished lurking At the bottom of the oceans was another killer, one that would wipe out practically everything else on earth in Iceland, geologist Mike Benton is searching for clues to this final deadly Wave of extinctions, there is a mystery in understanding how the Production of carbon dioxide. The sudden rise in global temperature of about 5 degrees could have caused such a catastrophic event a sudden rise in global temperature of about 5 degrees Wouldn’t kill life in the devastating way we see. Something else Must have caused that massive extinction that we know happened when the gas was released from the Siberian traps, triggering global warming that wiped out species first on the land and then in the oceans. Still, temperatures increased again by another five degrees, resulting in a Catastrophic second wave of extinction on the ground; scientists know that carbon dioxide released by the traps caused the first leap in global temperatures, but The double jump remained a puzzle. They needed to find something more substantial than co2 that could have accelerated global warming on an unprecedented scale.
. They found the answer to this mystery hidden in the ocean’s depths off Santa Barbara, California coast, about a mile offshore. IRA lifer, a climatologist from the University of California, is on his way to monitoring an unusual phenomenon. He’s looking for another greenhouse gas, not carbon dioxide but methane. This area is where methane from deep within the earth Rises through its crust until it reaches the seabed. Then through the water column, it runs the sea surface as bubbles. You can find these bubbles seeping into coastal areas all over the planet.
Still, this one’s Proximity to Southern California has given scientists a unique opportunity to Monitor one closely in the cold North Pacific water students from the University dive to the source of the seepage. They’re going to gather samples Of the gas as it escapes from the seafloor; methane is a very potent greenhouse gas, perhaps 20 to 25 times more potent on a molecule-per-molecule Basis than co2, that means if we add one molecule of co2 to the atmosphere one Molecule of methane that methane has 25 times the effect on the amount of methane Released by seeps like this one in Santa Barbara is too small to explain the Additional five-degree temperature rise was recorded towards the end of the mass extinction, but there is another source of the gas that might be in the deep ocean, the most unexplored. Least understood part of our world lives vast quantities of a substance called methane hydrate, its methane gas. Frozen in the cold water at the bottom of the sea today, an estimated 30 Trillion tons of methane are locked away in ice on the seabed. If it turned into a gas, It’d be a global disaster. IRA lifer thinks this may be exactly what happened 250 million years ago if we Look at this massive extinction as comparable to genocide ‘all crimes on an Unimaginable scale. We ask ourselves who the criminal suspects are Responsible for. We look at the evidence, and at the top of the shortlist is methane Hydrates because of the vast size.
The known instability of frozen methane is ultra-sensitive to heat, raising its temperature by even a couple of degrees. It can destabilise it. Trigger the release of this potent greenhouse gas. If the atmosphere warms for any reason, the ocean will warm methane hydrate will Release methane, which will heat the atmosphere leading to warmer temperatures. Even more methane hydrate releasing methane to the atmosphere has a positive feedback cycle 250 million years ago, billions of tons of volcanic gases were produced by the Siberian traps triggering one of these cycles. The eruptions increased global temperature by five degrees; the world warmed up enough to thaw the frozen methane hydrate at the bottom of the oceans. Release billions of tons of potent greenhouse gas into Earth’s Atmosphere; the temperature went up. Another five degrees, the world was now ten degrees centigrade hotter unable to adapt to the extreme.
Rapid climate Change, 95% of all life ceased to exist, but five per cent lived. Those Survivors are the ancestors of all life on Earth 250 million years ago; a vibrant, lush ecosystem teeming with life was rapidly transformed into a barren, Desolate world for the planet’s dominant species; there was no hope of survival. The earth had been brought to its knees by savage volcanic eruptions turning it into a fireball earth; the explosions released toxic gases that created worldwide climate chaos. Killed almost every living thing for something. Like a Gorgon op, it would have seen a world which would be changing. Most Animals that it was eating would become rarer. We’re getting much hotter, so terminal times for the Gorgon toxins. It was the end of the line for these fearsome predators, as for most Living things.
Still, in evolutionary terms, it was a new Beginning catastrophe that can reset the evolutionary clock, which means that the whole direction of development may change because the dominant species disappeared. Other species taking a less significant role before the event have their chance. This assignor dumps. They’ve been a favourite snack for gorgoniids. Still, by burrowing underground, they’ve stayed out of their predator’s reach. It proved to be a helpful habit when climate change scorched the Earth’s surface Tubers. Roots underground provided them with water.
Food in South Africa’s Carew Basin, palaeontologist Roger Smith, has made a remarkable discovery. We’re looking at a burrow cast in the early Triassic. We know from fossils found at the ends of these classes that they are signed. Adhan Cynodonts would begin burrows during the end Clammy extinction event, which likely was one reason it could survive the great drought at that time. After the mass extinction, these cynodonts became one of the dominant species in the new world. Without them, we wouldn’t be here today. One of the silent online ones eventually became a mammal. Had it not been for the survivor, the silent online mammals would not have existed.
Evolved. Nor would we, so we have a lot to thank the cyanide ants for 250 million years ago; life suffered a devastating blow. They Survived with new Species. New ecosystems, but the same kind of catastrophe that gave our Earliest ancestors their chance could happen again. Eruptions like the one larky happen on average every 20 million years; huge ones like the Siberian traps a rarer they happen every few hundred million years. Still, they do happen; it might shock people to realise that the earth can cause extreme devastation and, of course, is nothing that human beings with all Their technology could do to counter that, so if there were to be an eruption today on the scale of Siberian Traps would be brutal to know how large numbers of human beings could protect themselves from it, so very likely, there Would be unbelievable death. Destruction. Nobody would be safe, But the biggest threat to humanity’s future might not be a naturally occurring phenomenon for the first time In history.
The dominant species on the earth is upsetting the delicate balance of its ecosystem. Our production of carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on the earth’s Systems. We can release two or Three thousand Giga tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the next couple of centuries. When we look at the Siberian trap volcanism, we’re talking about maybe similar quantities of carbon dioxide released over millennia. Perhaps a million years, So we’re taking the whole Siberian trap event. Compressing it into the time scale of Human activity one or two centuries that’s scary.
It’s already causing the planet to heat up. Scientists fear that the runaway Global warming of the past could happen again in the future with more than 30 trillion tons of methane locked up as hydrates on the seafloor; the potential for another hydrate meltdown is as accurate today as it was 250 million years ago. Still, this time, we would have started it. I’m sure if we carry on what we’re doing today in terms of pollution, we will cause a catastrophe, but how quickly is the big question the end-Permian Extinction was one of the most critical chapters in the story of the evolution of life it’s an incredible thought. Still, It nearly wiped out energy from the face of the planet, ending the reign of The Masters of the earth. Still, it provided opportunities for others survivors who’d Become our direct ancestors without the mass extinction event; all this probably wouldn’t be here at all. In the next episode of catastrophe, a massive asteroid smashes into the earth. We are wiping out 70% of all life on the planet, including the dinosaurs.