The Future By M.J.
the unknown that awaits us in the future,
can unsettle we’re living in an era where our conditions capabilities and understandings are progressing so fast and in so many directions,
anything is possible, and practically in a blink of the eye the entire world can change with the way things are going right now
it’s easy to lose faith and hope to become fearful of humanity’s future
but what use is this if the future is uncertain Watchers fear over hope Wonder and excitement the things that await us
maybe right or maybe wrong, but all we can do is have faith and hope and strive for the best and so with this in mind let’s consider and listen for a moment what that is an ideal rendering of the future
based on current trends and predictions is arguably just as possible as it is not, it is a future that could very well become real while you are still alive
All it takes is your support and Faith in M.J’s new Scientific breakthrough electricity-generating Electric engine of the self-sustainable engine, emerging technology to push the tipping point full scale of atom science the scientific breakthrough of technology travel as far as you want without having to refuel.  Special thanks to all the moderators joining me and the hosts who are putting together these events. I’m excited to talk with everyone about how we can get the world on a path to zero emissions
now put yourself in the shoes of your future self and imagine this it is some amount of time in the future you’re planning out a vacation with some friends and family you’re deciding which location you would like to visit in your country or abroad or even Space exploration in the solar system
Like how you would book a flite or a cruise ship, you are picking which space travel line you would like to go on and what destinations you would like to stop at what even take your family car as this is the technology that can get you there. And supply all the comforts that you need.
like tropical islands, there are planets you can travel to where there are societies with economies thriving on tourism research and resource
No longer having to rely on mining, these new other planetary settlements have allowed for the discovery of unknown sources of nutrients fuel and elements that are now integrated into our everyday lives and, Provided we have the technology and education for them to share with us. As all non-starting are kept in the dark.
The massive practical value provided by atom technology resources means the issues created by things like fuel emissions and power requirements here on earth have been resolved by M.J.’s atom technology, bringing us into the light. He is the future of supersonic and hypersonic technology.
what was once known as global warming is now a high-speed audio education lesson taught in history classes with more excellent resources and limited energy restrictions all the consequences are now known
the broader knowledge rate of high-speed audio technological education advancement has continued to develop with billions of people around the world adding their local knowledge structure and knowledgeable, imaginative components
the cognitive understanding compound while the concern of artificial intelligence becoming uncontrollable has been adequately dealt with Extreme broader higher levels of education provided by high-speed audio education by MJ HSA limited
The tribunal penalty points personality disorder programme for home and abroad social and domestic specialising in the social personality research understanding of dogmatism and regulation of machine learning and A.I. have been implemented like any other potentially threatening dividing the dammed technology or weaponry the proper and regulations were put in place before it was too late preventing home and abroad, financial, social, domestic violence and greed.
Machine learning and A.I. now integrate cohesively into human life in an increasingly symbiotic relationship protecting society and the community’s social education for a safer and happy life for all.
High-speed audio education by M.J. has freed up much of the waste of time in researching and understanding complex issues
it has allowed us to answer questions we never thought even to ask as one’s knowledge is broadened
To innovate in directions, we never knew existed to live in ways we never thought were possible. New worlds of opportunity and understanding are uncovered as we are all educated within whatever area we so choose to be. As you understand and learn together as a Global collective, we improve.
life is never dull there is so much to explore and discover furthermore technological automation has increased
So much humanity no longer works trivial or laborious jobs these jobs have since been replaced with new jobs that cater to an ideal level of human skillset capability and interest as the economy alters to the fact of a more productive society in how we do not pillage the best vital resources with utilise what we already have to the utmost capabilities and technology, along with nature and its protection.
by work comfortably living within your means work now depends on thinking imaginatively and innovatively rather than feeling depressed or imprisoned
You and everyone you will know from this moment forward experiences work to an exciting life and a chance to connect with themselves as well. Removing greed manipulation removes the financial struggle and manipulation of society.
as the collective high-speed audio broadened education has been restructured to attend to the social shift in everyone has a chance of cheaper higher education (If not free education)
School is no longer manipulated by peer pressure based on memorisation of rigidly standardised curriculums. Instead, it is open diverse and practical to human life, allowing broader education without boundaries but enhancing the children’s skills whether they can read or write listen to the stories of life. As the same as the technology that you are, listening to right now.
Your alternative ways of education are to touch and taste, smell all here and to do. These methods can be implemented as the knowledge is exhausted into the sublimation cognitive understanding of our children and their children for a brighter future of knowledge. They are improving everyone’s future. Choosing your vocation at a younger age and having the choice to change your mind.
it covers a more excellent range of topics and adopts emotional intelligence mental health career selection and financial literacy under the machine truthfully educating learning technology design and technology
as some new primary focus besides traditional subjects, all children will be adequately equipped to utilise their broadening imagination with intelligence in the most effective ways and rewarding to add to the curriculum
racism, sexism and other minority prejudices are no longer tangible
The continuing education of humanity and nature beyond schooling as a broader curriculum of life education emotionally leaves scholars accurately portrayed. As children growing into adults can edit their curriculum and be awarded for their imaginative, knowledgeable educational input.
opportunity wealth and success are no longer predicated by family heritage or appearance but based on who people are as individuals and what they can do from that Academic imaginative hi-end knowledge gained
Objectively those previously in poverty or underdeveloped societies are now in comfort and affluence more opportunities as their knowledge of society is improved and how to perform their life with broadband connectivity the questions of what they can expect from the future, giving a direction and focus another life plan to perform with love. Nobody is left behind.
for more educated people means a higher standard of humanity and more smart people means more innovations and discoveries
Which maintains truth improved highest standard of truthfully knowledgeable, educated Scientific people have been working on solving significant problems while advancing technology works in parallel to execute Scientific endeavours of society.
The solutions from a medical perspective from M.J. have a newfound comprehensive understanding of the human genome that allows us to quickly eradicate diseases related to pollution of the atmosphere and environment. The technology is here and now. Patents are protecting technology, which is further explained through the membership website. Today you will have access to it.
as well as ensure that new-born humans are born with optimal health
the relationship between human understanding and technological innovation has become so interwoven
Evolution is now spilling over into extra dimensions of healthier improved lifestyle and life assisting disabilities with interplanetary Bionic Technology and Machine learning, and A.I.
evolution is compounding at an X multiple year is like a year is like a thousand and so on
M.J. knowledge alongside developing anti-ageing medical treatments means you are ageing at a dramatically reduced rate, as a critical element of devastation has been reversed. The cure for cancer and pollution-related diseases such as old-age is here. Utilising the body’s natural immune system is designed to spot and eradicate all disease and when the body is at its optimum health, preventing premature old-ageing.
Proportional to time because by the way your whatever age you are right now plus about a hundred give or take, you are currently on track to living a longer healthier life free from pollution-related diseases, including preventing climate change, as the change of society and humanity affects nature and the planet. As the planet is nature and should be preserved in every way, the knowledge is here, and now we have to utilise it.
Than any conceivable age of the past. As a result, you will experience the most diverse dynamic and unique existence ever known to humanity with drastically reduced medical intervention.
You and nearly everyone you know are happy with life as the firmaments are closing.
and it is not corny or weird to feel that way for the first time is known in history the entire body of humanity and nature is functioning together cohesively like one giant super machine there is an underlining attitude that when everyone wins the individual wins, as we collectively move into Ascension
M.J. designed the New banking methods to perform A longevity of your life and income, new up-and-coming methods of hand to produce a Water full banking method. They gave you financial freedom and support with the structure of savings and method of the technical Field of financial savings with a guaranteed guarantee, without Financial risk. Design of the technology is already in your pocket. Yes, your contactless credit card, Driving license, passport, Digital document. is the design and copyrighted information patented technology in 1998. By MJ; So, you can see he has already influenced your life and made it easier. Let him help give him your support.
Violence and war are minimised in empathy and kindness grow stronger and stronger longer lifetimes creator understandings of the universe and our role within it and more time to focus on nature and self-care, and meaningful work all allow for a greater sense of self-purpose and communication with animals and all of nature’s creatures seen or on the scene we now recognise the future as countries and continents towns and villages all work under the same understanding as educated minds work together. Wars prevented as they are only fighting for a better lifestyle. As this is the only way barbarians know what they know. As the changes here and now, we will provide.
that nature and life is simply what you make of it that our purpose is merely to enjoy everything as best we can while providing as much honest value to others along the way so, to ensure that everyone including nature can do the same life and nature is beautiful humanity is happy any conceivable heaven would fall short of this
Ok now back to the present that future just described is undoubtedly apparent but between now and then anything could happen because we are incredible, what we think about we achieve and when we achieve me think about more than I am knowledge expands, we will expand further than ever before in rapid succession throughout the near future and onwards.
and if even a sliver of that comes to fruition imagine the possibility, mere idea possibility is enrapturing
Perhaps some of it may seem far-fetched, and perhaps some of it is because of course that you have taken through your lifetime is programmed to be directional, and you cannot see it as you were never heard of it before.
but if you were to write everything you did and encounter today, and then could send it back,
A Message to my friend. years in the past as between a boy and a man stand together in a field under an archway they express their knowledge and understanding between each other one is from the past and one is from the future. Hello, I remember that day.
I believe that whoever would read it would have the same scepticism about today’s conditions.
If this is true and some years ago would have been as sceptical and as excited about our car Technology that has been improved by M.J. who has designed the new engine that will make all the above happen. As this is miracle technology, verily, verily, I say unto you, and this miracle will be apparent.
in conditions imagine how surprised you are going to be in one there’s a lot to be excited about and a lot to be hopeful for literally right now is like science fiction
let alone fifty or a hundred years in the future so enjoy yourself and believe in humanity any alternative is useless
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Thank you for watching if you found enjoyment and value in this audio education and video please tell a friend about the website and spread the word of James give us all a nod and thumbs up share your thoughts with friends and family in the comments section on the website and if you are not already be sure to register as a member and contribute to our fundraising membership subscribe to our website we are committed to improving science and technology and help you experience life with clarity and Wonder to improve knowledge and humanity on a global scale. We work on donations to get the technology started, and the factory-built once this is completed you will receive the full benefit of the technology under a lease agreement designed with the queueing system for first come, first served. The plan will take approximately ten years, as shown on the website countdown clock or maybe sooner. You see that technology and its advancements videos on the website. As this technology grows through news and media, we will keep you up-to-date whenever we can. All my love M.J. Keep the faith.