Look at the timetable for the week in Davos.
Great men and women gather, have their say, and leave us alone, outside the loop and in a private consultation. Wait till you know what’s going on.
Well, enough with the audience can have a private club on our own. And here comes the private club. We are the competition of the government. We are the competition of politics and politicians. And you’re in it.
The truth is being told.
When we hear the truth, we can take advantage of it.
We build upon false foundations of manipulation and corruption when we hear lies and take them for absolute truth. That hurts us financially very severely. I’m tired of the pain. And now it’s time to change. We have the option to put aside what we don’t want to use. Because we now have an opportunity for better, genuine products.
Hold on; things have been built on, causing so much trouble in the past and the future because it never works as it’s designed to work.
Let us build on truth and honesty; we will create an empire for people with love, nature, and personality involved in the apparatus of the new technology. Everyone helps the next person develop some think you’re fantastic. Not for selfish gain, but to give really to know that you will receive, so you give to receive not just to receive but knowing that you are helping the environment and living an optimal lifestyle. It works with nature and humanity together. And will open so many doors of the future that, yes, inscrutable now to yourself. We set the ground rules for integration with nature and humanity at the optimal level to sustain each component of nature and society.
The technology that we have at our fingertips as Club members are unique. We can speak the truth because we are not controlled by bureaucracy and paperwork. And because the fact is stated, you can build on that with your imagination and produce even better products and services in the future. In this way, we transform the learning experience into every day and every moment. Everything that you read and listen to on this site should be academic to you, and you will receive something from it in a truthful manner and nature and will be to the best of your ability to the truth unless it is on the video that is from an outside source. We want to edit these videos and scripts to restore the truth. We need the fact. Truth hurts. I know this is sometimes the case. But if you are solid with each other, the best thing you can have amongst others is the truth.
You have an idea, write about it and find someone to work with you to make it a product or service. You can do it here. We support it. We don’t expect you to steal anything from anybody else, and we don’t expect anybody else to steal anything from you. It’s a basic rule. Abide by the laws, and you stay in the club. Disobey, the authorities receive a mark against you, which is the penalty point—and facing tribunal within the club if necessary. And the tribunal is an open private Area of legal law undertaking.